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Saturday 1 September 2018

Technology Singularity


Technology Singularity

The Acceleration of Technology is Giving Birth to the Singularity

"Things Ain't Like They Used to Be"

Technology is moving fast - in areas like robotics, artificial intelligence, biotechnology and nanotechnology.Within only a few decades, mankind will have the technological means to create superhuman intelligence. Shortly after, the human era ending as we most likely will our technology - and become posthuman.Such is the thinking processes of the great mathematician Vernor Vinge and the contemporary inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil.Mr. Kurzweil's book is shown - it is a wonderful read - I am currently on my 2nd pass through it ...

Kurzweil considers this sharp increase to be part of a total exponential trend in human  development originally in Moore's Law and extrapolated in a general trend in Kurzweil's own Law of Accelerating Returns.This law sees a growing rate at technology increasing, and whenever the barriers pop up which is preventing the further acceleration of the technology - a paradigm shift occurs. A paradigm shift is a new framework on which technology is based - for computation - it is going to vacuum tubes to transistors to integrated circuits. Future paradigm shift in computation will most likely migrate to 3d microprocessors - to quantum computing

Are You a Singularitarian or Not?

The concept of the technology singularity,, predicts a drastic increase in the rate of technological change following the liberation of consciousness from the human biology, it is not only the human brain of computational capability of the past, but also the computer with direct interaction networks

Futurists predict that after the singularity - which is predicted anywhere between 2040 and 3000 - that humans as they exist today will be the dominant force in the scientific and technological progress.In our place, as I mentioned above - posthumans, strong AI , or both.

While some regard the Technology Singularity as a positive event and work to hasten its arrival, others see the Technology Singularity as dangerous, undesirable, or unlikely to occur.


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