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Sunday 2 September 2018

14 Home Remedies That Will Redeem Cavity ...

Acid from the plaque destroys the proteins present in our anamal. Due to which the holes in our teeth begin to form. Once the acid that came below Anamal in our teeth means that kavita started.

14 Home Remedies That Will Redeem Cavity ...

                  STORY HIGHLIGHTS

1. Cavity teeth have a small hole and can tear teeth
2. Cavity and tooth decay is the most common oral problem
3.Younger children and older people are usually the most prey.

Remember that whenever you were asking for candy or lollipops from motherhood in childhood, she would have refused to eat much sweet. You must have remembered many advertisements in which it is said that the sweet is more like us than the bacteria ... All these are taught so that you can survive cavity ... Actually, a small hole in the teeth Cavities can be the reason for your tooth decay. Cleaning the tooth twice a day can be a remedy to avoid this. Apart from this, some home remedies or home remedies are going to tell you today that can help you in this work ...

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14 Home Remedies That Will Redeem Cavity ...

Remember how we all were prevented from consuming more chocolate and other sweet dish in childhood and were asked to clean the teeth before sleeping. All these were used to protect our teeth from kavita and rottenness. This is a common oral problem. Younger children and older people are usually the victims of it. However this can happen to anyone. Dental cavity has a small hole in the teeth, which gradually causes your tooth decay. The causes of KV are that the bacteria sitting on the surface of our teeth, which make acids from sugar. These bacteria are stored in our mouth as plaques. Acid from the plaque destroys the proteins present in our anamal. Due to which the holes in our teeth begin to form. Once the acid that came below Anamal in our teeth means that kavita started.

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14 Home Remedies That Will Redeem Cavity ...

If possible, rinse each time before eating.
Brushing after sleeping in the morning and sleeping at night is the easiest way to overcome this problem. And not just Kavita, doing so usually results in many problems with teeth. And if possible, rinse each time before eating.

14 home remedies for fighting Kavita

1. Fluoride mouthwash

Fluoride is very helpful in restoring millarles in your dental anamal. We know that mineral deficiency is a major cause of the decomposition of our teeth, so fluoride mouthwash can prove to be a lot better for you.

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2. Cloves

Clove does not only help you fight against any kind of oral problem. Its anti-bacterial properties also help you reduce pain.

3. Garlic

Garlic is also extremely beneficial for health as well as raising the flavor in the food. Raw garlic chewing can also be beneficial for your oral health. The anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties present in it also make it a great painkiller.

14 Home Remedies That Will Redeem Cavity ...
Its anti-bacterial properties also help you reduce pain.

4. Bone Broth

It is a soup made of boiled bones of healthy animals and fresh vegetables simultaneously. There are lots of vitamins, mineral and fat also available. Calcium and magnesium present in it remove kavita from our teeth and protect teeth from decay.

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5. Saltwater

Salt water is one of the most common prescriptions to deal with oral problems. It keeps your mouth free of bacteria and also removes viscosity from the kviti. Salt water removes acid from our mouth and normalizes the pH level of the mouth.

6.Clove oil

Eugeneol, which is present in clove, acts like a painkiller. Therefore, clove oil also helps you to relieve the pain caused by kavita and rottenness. By increasing its antimicrobial element, any bacteria, fungus, and viruses.

7. Oil pulling

As the name suggests, removal of impurities with the help of oil is called oil pulping. In this technique, you have to rinse any vegetable oil for 5 or 10 minutes. For this, you can use any vegetable oil like olive oil or coconut oil. In this way, rinse all the bacteria in your mouth come out. This technique is effective for kavita, besides it also helps reduce swelling in your gums.

8. Lemon

Lemon is rich in Vitamin C. Helping you reduce the pain by killing acid germs in it. Keep a lemon slice in the mouth and chew it and then rinse it with clean water.

14 Home Remedies That Will Redeem Cavity ...

Do not do jaw pain, it may be the reason.

9. Tea tree oil

It has swelling and anti-bacterial properties that help you fight KVT. The method of using it is quite simple. Just massage your teeth and gums with it and then rinse it with hot water.

10. Neem

In the olden times, people used to clean mouth teeth with neem teeth in place of the brush. Neem is a great remedy for healthy teeth. Fibers present in neem keep your plates away from the teeth. At the moment, we are talking about leaves of neem donuts. The method is to chew the neem leaves in the mouth and then rinse it with water immediately afterwards.

11. Baking soda

The baking soda contains antimicrobial components and its alkaline elements bring the acids present in your mouth to the normal level. To use it, put the brush in baking soda and then rub your teeth. But, while clearing your mouth, you have to be careful with this because it can harm your Animal too. Do not use it for a long time. Another interesting thing is that baking soda is also helpful in whitening your teeth.

12. Eggshell

The calcium carbonate contained in it, eliminates decomposition and works to restore mineral in Anamal. So, clean the egg shell and dry it and drink it ...

13. Turmeric

Turmeric is often used to get rid of cavity. It helps you keep your gums healthy. There are two ways to use turmeric. First, apply turmeric on the affected area and then rinse it. Mix the other turmeric with mustard oil and massage the tooth for 10 minutes.

14 Home Remedies That Will Redeem Cavity ...

Due to the anti-bacterial properties present in it, they work to protect against kevita and decomposition.

14. Wheatgrass

These vitamins are a great source of A and E. Apart from this, iron is also rich in calcium and magnesium. Due to the anti-bacterial properties present in it, they work to protect against kavita and rottenness. The method of using it is to be made of juice and drink. Either you can drink a glass of pure wheat juice of junk or it can be consumed by mixing 6 parts water in 1 part juice. Rinse it after using it. And in the case of an infection you can chew it straight away.



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